freyagushi links!
-not random links-
special links are for people helping me or personally or in an indirect way only because they are existing..thanks to their creativ work ....
-other links-
to companies i like and buy from,to the music i listen,to the art
i prefer link to people 's work h
aving more or less the same interest = you can't fight alone !

If you think your work is complementary to freyagushi clothing....or with the same philosophy email me to swap links ;-)..

*the special links ...

*hairs and hair related

* clothing


*music ahah real industrial music ! + weird litterature etc

*.....random....dolls,fashion,ressource pages...


*freyagushi dreambook and banner

*special links*

my housemate and first helper!....slow way but great stuff are coming! (including heigh platform shoes ;-)..last product the industrial panzer googles
with the perfect model ;-) (my little doggie boston terrier are the best ! watashiwa) :

who kindly accept to take pict for me!!..ahah not work safe ;-) bouuhh

trash doll!
the unique as much beautiful as creativ trash doll 69..and designer of the new freyagushi layouts !..copycats you will NEVER be like her !
trashy toy

trash doll tshirts :) sick rabbits ;-)

baby art
Trevor brown website..because it's my unique  and only
source of faith when i am :(...why.?it allways cheers up
to see  beauty,existing weirdness,creativity without end..

I just discovered marc blackie work and waouh!..Watch more than classical bondage stuff he has a unique and fabulous way to take black/white me some are really surreal and funny,other scary but all displaying beauty.
disappointed virginity

body jewelry for extrem people !
Kat has now a stall in camden market,if you look for cute handbags,nice jewellry,..and some freyagushi accessories (ties esp) this is the right place for you.this girl is a star <3

i had to put her in the special links because she is special!we could ?? ourselves about what we have in common..not listenning the same music,not dressing the same way but we do!first we love cutie broken medical stuff and we believe in creativity as exorcism..and that illness can bring creativity in this world..
this girl is unique=she makes clothing + music...!already that is special!
dr vertico designed the freyagushi logo.Ybrand new website too

hairs and hair accessories

snarl hair (uk)
hair beauty !
Ceri is my fav hair-extensionist

peacock blue design (us):hats and accessories !
fabulous hats,accessories,feathers corsets ..i have been looking for so long for nice affordable "eccentricties"..<3
the fab hat and accessories design of peacock blue label

my first very own peaock blue hat <3 ,geisha,nurse ,rhinestones...

gaijingeisha (us)

kanzashi,tees,bracelets,anime and lolita styles

hair surgeon (us)
great foam haircut,bi medical accessories (hats,ties..)

koonamik (france)
pretty pretty girls from extension finally in france!!
clothing coming soon

* clothing *
pimp clothing
now relocated in london,cute medical and military clothing , especially cap hats
cliccccccck to see jill fab work

to me the cutest girly tops on the web..i love them..bows and flutter sleeves perfect to mix with weird nurse skirts eheh (at least for myself ;-))
The best is to subcribe to her newsletter,her unique creations are selling very fast!
delicia latex
i am not a big rubber fan,mostly boring to me, but this is different :)
yeah surgical scissors latex dress !

plastik wrap
perfect shapes to me,strict and very well made
plastik wrap fashion

refuse to be usual !!!!!!

nicky carries very nice lolita and jrock clothing at very decent prices on ebay
another pink addict from the netherland..
check the pink new stars corsets!

mode merr ..

pin up inspired clothing , uber cute poddle dresses and more

evil kitty

cats from hell,tutu skirts...perfect girlie wear


uncommon designer wear from latvia ..lot of different styles


check her tees esp "sugar overdose

models (and more than this often!)

The girls modelling for freyagushi have their links on the fashion shots ;-)

My two favorite women..hardly i can consider them as "women" and me they are so perfect..more like dreams !

the wonderful storm ...
(and her wonderful tattos and a bit retro naughty facial expressions )
tempest ......... right :) !

the classy beautiful amazing feitsy diva
beautiful isn't enough

pinkie pain ^-^ eheh follow the rabbit
pinkie pain fetish model
.. amateur models startin having great styles ..

assisted suicide

publicharakiri : click on the banner

miss murder
she is soo lovely ..!!!! nightmare asian doll lost in weird spaces,bunker...bathroom...

**music & litterature & art **
the greatest ressource page for industrial events (worldwide events)
industrial music shop and events
« A hundred histories of brutal collisions, a hundred and more ways to wound the body&
What is a wound? What can we do with the bruises, the cuts, the multiple tears covering our flesh? What happens to the body once it becomes wounded?
In the PROJECT section of the site you will find a series of articles, essays, reviews and interviews which will hopefully help us setting up a discussion on the many aspects of wounding. »
trash and usual art book, website..

.....and .......

bubblegum slut zine interview

read the freyagushi interview here

chateaubizarre :click on the banner



*support independant designers !

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*art and fetish*

Julie #1,painting courtesy of the Lilith Gallery of Toronto.

Fashion &
Art Express

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***freyagushi banner***
feel free to link freyagushi website :)!any help is welcome...just paste the banner in your own servor..