Scary nurse lycra dress :red nurse crossesclearance 37£ instad of 67£ including shipping worldwide

Scary nurse is a black lycra fitted dress with nurses crosses sewn on opened circles!It has 3 huge nurse crosses on the front and a smaller one on the back .

Here are the size and color left =
*size S/M=25 to 27inches waist,32 to 36inches bust : one pink and one transparent with polystyrene balls

*size M/L=27 to 29 inches waist,35 to 39inches bust:one red
*size L/XL=29 to 32 inches waist,38 to 42inches bust :one blue

I will email you after ordering for your choice.

other color : neon pink plastic : click here

other color : blue plastic : click here

other color : transparent with polystyrene balls : click here

Don't hesitate to email me if you don't want to order with paypal.

Free shipping worldwide !!no disappointement with outrageous shipping cost !

Scary nurse dress
Price 37£ instead 67 GBP

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